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The infinite resource

Tapping into the Power of the Universe

The infinite resource is the social media space where I share my experience of a spiritual journey free of religious dogma but learning from the great spiritual texts.

I’m really interested in exploring practical spiritual ideas to improve our work, economy and politics.I’m passionate about finding the deep wisdom that exists beyond all religions and beliefs.


When I started on my spiritual journey 16 years ago I wasn’t able to choose a religion. But I was fascinated by the common elements of all religions. I’m taking the wisdom from various traditions to see how it can help us solve today’s challenges.  


I see spirituality as a practical tool, not just a set of beliefs. It’s about tapping into our inner potential to think creatively and care more deeply.


My goal is to look at the world differently and find new ways to work together for a better future.


16 years ago I was a hard core atheist. Since then, I have been on an amazing spiritual and creative journey.


I studied spiritual texts, I followed a programme of recovery, I went to art school, I learned how to meditate, I did loads of therapy, I read tons of psychology and self help books.All of this has allowed me to tap into the infinite resource that I have found not only inside me but also in nature, creativity, connecting with other people and in the infinite space of the universe.


In my mid-40s I started to deal with some mental health issues. Like a lot of people, for many years these issues had been hidden behind the exterior where I still presented a strong image of a functioning human being. I never thought that they were serious enough to merit deeper attention.  Rather I always convinced myself that they were going to get better if I could just get more organised or try a bit harder.  Eventually they became sufficiently disruptive to my wellbeing that I decided to get some help. This was a great decision and the past decade has seen me truly discover who I am and allowed me to evolve into a more authentic version of who I want to be. This has been an incredible transformation and has taken me on a rocket-fuelled creative and spiritual journey into the 4th dimension!


I now take a balanced approach towards taking care of my mental, emotional, physical, spiritual and creative needs.  It’s never perfect but I’m always aspiring to heading towards optimum wellbeing.  


Creativity is critical to this process and consequently I always keep it at the centre of my life.


Cliff has been a professional economist for the past 35 years. After lecturing in economics, he joined the UK Government Economic Service. He’s been a government policy & regulatory consultant for the past 30 years, including 7 years as Chief Economist at the law firm Mayer Brown and freelance since 2007. In the past decade he went to art-school and is now researching the overlap between art, economics, creativity and spirituality. He is advocating a new, radical economics on his 'The Helpful Economist' social media channels.


These are key spiritual texts that have influenced me:

  • The bible, especially Genesis, the Gospels, Psalms & Proverbs

  • Buddhist scripture (Penguin Classics )

  • The Dhammapada

  • Bhagavad Gita

  • Power of Now - Eckhart Tolle

  • Miracle of Mindfulness - Thich Nhat Hanh

  • Man’s search for meaning - Viktor Frankl

  • Brother Lawrence - Practising the Presence of God

  • Julian of Norwich - Revelations of Divine Love

  • Course in Miracles

  • Anthony De Mello - Awareness

  • Marianne Williamson - Return to Love

  • Joel Goldsmith (various )

  • The sermon on the mount - Emmet Fox

  • Be Here Now - Ram Dass


William James - Varieties of Religious Experience


William James identifies key characteristics of religious experiences across different faiths and religions.  My spiritual experiences have not been within the context of any particular faith.  But the common characteristics of a spiritual experience identified by James certainly resonate with me.

"Summing up in the broadest possible way the characteristics of the religious life, as we have found them, it includes the following beliefs

  • That the visible world is part of a more spiritual universe from which it draws its chief significance;

  • That union or harmonious relation with that higher universe is our true end;

  • That prayer or inner communion with the spirit thereof -- be that spirit "God" or "law" -- is a process wherein work is really done, and spiritual energy flows in and produces effects, psychological or material, within the phenomenal world.


Religion includes also the following psychological characteristics:

  • That prayer or inner communion with the spirit thereof -- be that spirit "God" or "law" -- is a process wherein work is really done, and spiritual energy flows in and produces effects, psychological or material, within the phenomenal world.A new zest which adds itself like a gift to life, and takes the form either of lyrical enchantment or of appeal to earnestness and heroism.

  • An assurance of safety and a temper of peace, and, in relation to others, a preponderance of loving affections."

William Blake - All Religions are One

I love the idea that every individual has an innate creative force.  Blake equates this with the divine spirit

  • The true faculty of knowing must be the faculty which experiences

  • The poetic genius is the true man

  • The Religions of all Nations are derived from each nations different reception of the poetic genius.

  • As all men are alike...So all Religions & as all similars have one source; The true Man is the source he being the Poetic Genius.

I love what Noel Gallagher said about writing the song Don't Look back in anger on Desert Island Disks in 2015.

"If a song comes quickly it usually means it's good because it's just fallen out of the sky.  Don't look back in anger took...15 minutes.....i still believe it there's just somebody up there and they're just dropping songs all over the place and if I'm not ready to catch them Chris Martin's getting them Bono's getting them and they but enough you know there's no way they're getting them so I do it every day you know I mean I'm there every day fishing in the river for the songs."

Radical Spiritual Proposition

This is my attempt at setting out my core spiritual beliefs.  As I talk things through on my social media channels I hope that this will evolve and develop.

  • All human beings are equal - There is no hierarchy in spirituality. No-one is more spiritual than anyone else.

  • The guru is a facilitator and anyone can be someone else’s guru. The guru is a mirror.

  • Spirituality is life - the essence of life is spiritual - music, creativity, love, nature

  • Spirituality is something to be experienced - the spirit is within

  • There is never only one interpretation of an idea or experience

  • Activating the spirit within involves intention and discipline - inner exploration and self discovery - spiritual awakening - consciousness/presence

  • The spiritual experience is powerful

  • The output of spirituality is love and compassion

  • Change happens from within - be the change that I want to see - change on the inside brings change to the outside

  • Spirituality is a force for change - religion and politics have failed us - spiritual awakening as the basis of radical activism

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